
The Pentateuch: A Social-Science Commentary (Second Edition) is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this magisterial overview of the Pentateuch John Van Seters reviews the various historical-critical attempts to read it that arise from notions about the social evolution of Israel’s religion and culture. Is the Pentateuch an accumulation of folk traditions, a work of ancient historiography, a document legitimizing religious reform? In dialogue with competing views, Van Seters advocates a...

mid-nineteenth century, the Elohistic source that contained both narrative and law of a Priestly kind (later labeled P) was regarded as the earliest of the sources and the basic document for the rest, because it provided a clear chronological framework for the Pentateuch as a whole. A major development in the Documentary Hypothesis was made by W. M. L. de Wette (Contributions to Old Testament Introduction, 2 vols., 1806–1807), who identified the ‘book of the law’ that was reported to have been discovered
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